A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation
Covid Programming: No...more -
Alexandra House, Inc.
Covid Programming: With the impact of this pandemic, we have learned how to deliver our services virtually but acknowledge that the best way to offer...more -
Angel Foundation
Covid Programming: N/A...more -
Banyan Community
Covid Programming: no...more -
Breanna's Gift
Covid Programming: Yes, we had to make major modifications for our in-person programming....more -
Bridges to Learning, Inc.
Covid Programming: The pandemic has effected the child sponsorship program and communication between the children and the sponsors via the school. Th...more -
Covid Programming: During the pandemic, Bridging created the option for virtual and preference form shopping, in order to allow clients to stay safe...more -
CAIR-Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh)
Covid Programming: Our organization implemented virtual webinars and meetings in place of in-person events where feasible....more -
Can Do Canines
Covid Programming: We have changed our graduation program format to a "watch party" with a video component to make it a better client experience. It...more -
CAPI USA (review in progress)
Covid Programming: •Very rapid growth and turnover in staff during COVID-19 – CAPI’s leadership staff aggressively recruited prospective employ...more -
ChildFund International
Covid Programming: We have (and continue) to address the pandemic and its impact on deprived, vulnerable and excluded children through 4 key interven...more -
City of Lakes Community Land Trust
Covid Programming: Only to utilized virtual trainings, events, and meetings vs. and/or in addition to in-person trainings, events and meetings....more -
Community Resource Connections
Covid Programming: We have moved to far more remote work as our offices are very small and don't allow social distancing. The work we do is very sim...more -
Community Thread
Covid Programming: Yes, we became aware of more needs especially among older adults who needed supports to remain living independently. We were alrea...more -
Covid Programming: We began on-line grocery ordering and Food Shelf pickup and delivery services one day a week and have been able to continue these...more -
Covid Programming: Yes, we are developing more phone and electronic tutoring options. We made the choice to do much more programming outdoors during...more -
Eastside Meals on Wheels, Inc. (review in progress)
Covid Programming: Until we reach 50% vaccination rate in Minnesota, we are serving meals Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, rather than every day of...more -
EMERGE Community Development (review in progress)
Covid Programming: EMERGE pivoted to virtual and outdoor services as a result of COVID-19. Our hope is to resume indoor services mid-2021....more -
Exodus Lending (review in progress)
Covid Programming: Because of Covid-19, we transitioned from an "enrollment in the office, if possible" paradigm to an "enrollment online" paradigm....more -
Face to Face Health and Counseling Service, Inc.
Covid Programming: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we launched two new areas of programming in response to youth input and needs. First was our educati...more -
Covid Programming: Covid-19 has allowed for FamilyMeans to expand services by providing virtual options and supports. As the community comes back tog...more -
Faribault Area Public Schools Educational Trust Association
Covid Programming: Yes. All board and some committee meetings are held via ZOOM....more -
Covid Programming: N/a...more -
Girls on the Run Twin Cities
Covid Programming: N/A...more -
Great River Rescue (review in progress)
Covid Programming: Moderately. We now do animal visitations by appointment only....more -
Greater Twin Cities United Way (review in progress)
Covid Programming: We created a COVID-19 Recovery and Relief Fund and granted out all funds raised....more -
Hammer Residences, Inc.
Covid Programming: Hammer Residences serves people who are highly vulnerable to the effects of Covid-19. Many of these individuals regularly went to...more -
Hennepin Health Foundation/Hennepin Healthcare Foundation
Covid Programming: blank...more -
Keystone Community Services
Covid Programming: Keystone modified all of its programming to provide services safely during the ongoing pandemic. Keystone follows State of MN/CDC...more -
Koochiching Aging Options
Covid Programming: After adjusting some programs to avoid in-person contact, programs are back to in-person services. Hours of at-home work by staff...more -
La Oportunidad, Inc.
Covid Programming: No...more -
Lakes & Prairies CAP
Covid Programming: Our organization had to respond quickly to the rapidly changing work environment and need for assistance in our community. We wer...more -
Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers
Covid Programming: We focused our services on what was having the most impact on our stakeholders....more -
Learning Disabilities Association, Inc. (LDA Minnesota)
Covid Programming: Many of LDA Minnesota's programs continue to be offered online as an option for meeting. Our geographic area has expanded because...more -
Lighthouse Ministries International of Africa
Covid Programming: The programming has not changed. However, the need for our program has increased greatly....more -
Listening Point Foundation Inc.
Covid Programming: As a result of COVID-19, we have started to integrate and consider hybrid in-person/virtual programming on a more regular basis wh...more -
Loaves & Fishes
Covid Programming: In order to comply with social distancing restrictions during the pandemic, we began offering our meals through a to-go model comp...more -
Lutheran Social Service of MN
Covid Programming: LSS of MN has found a 'new normal' as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many services now have the option of being received remo...more -
Covid Programming: n/a...more -
Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement
Covid Programming: We have moved all programming to an online format....more -
Minnesota Boychoir
Covid Programming: We have increased the number of virtual performances we offer our audiences....more -
Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance
Covid Programming: More of our survivor meetings and support groups are now virtual as a result of the move to video conferencing post-pandemic....more -
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Foundation
Covid Programming: No...more -
NAMI Minnesota
Covid Programming: More virtual programs...more -
Neighborhood Network for Seniors
Covid Programming: Our programming has gone back to pre-Covid parameters with additional safety measures for staff and volunteers in place....more -
Neighbors, Inc.
Covid Programming: Neighbors adjusted its hunger relief program as a result of COVID-19. We moved our popular Neighbors Express food distribution fr...more -
Neuro Hospitality House
Covid Programming: During COVID-19 our organization adopted health and safety protocols to keep our members and guests safe....more -
New Pathways
Covid Programming: Our shelter program is still recovering from COVID-19. We lost volunteers, church partners and have not have an in-person fundra...more -
Northeast Youth & Family Services (review in progress)
Covid Programming: NYFS offers telehealth services via our Mental Health Clinic and School-Linked Mental Health Programs. Masking is optional at both...more -
One Heartland
Covid Programming: COVID-19 changed the way we run our programs. We now operate our summer camp programs in cohorts in order to limit possible exposu...more -
The Open Door
Covid Programming: Our programming has more than doubled as a result of COVID-19. A temporary, large-scale, drive-thru food distribution was created...more -
Open Your Heart to the Hungry and Homeless
Covid Programming: N/A...more -
Operation HELP
Covid Programming: Unable to submit blank answer...more -
People Incorporated
Covid Programming: People Incorporated continues to support individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic and has instituted additional precautions for th...more -
PFund Foundation
Covid Programming: PFund engaged with the Minnesota Department of Health to conduct LGBTQ+ community outreach with their COVID-19 related health prev...more -
The Phoenix Residence Inc.
Covid Programming: Our goals for programming and service have not changed as a result of COVID-19. Our challenges with turnover and the workforce ha...more -
PRG, Inc.
Covid Programming: Yes. All our appointments, workshops, staff meetings, and board meetings have been held virtually and there have been periods of t...more -
Reach for Resources
Covid Programming: Most programs and services are back to pre-COVID levels. There are a few programs that have been eliminated to the changes that oc...more -
The Reading Center / Dyslexia Institute of Minnesota
Covid Programming: In addition to in-person programming, The Reading Center offers 1:1 tutoring, testing, small group classes, and tutor training in...more -
The Reporters, Inc. (review in progress)
Covid Programming: We have devoted most of our editorial content to COVID related subjects....more -
River Valley Riders
Covid Programming: All programming was canceled in 2020. Limited services resumed in 2021. Full capacity has continued since 2022 with additional gro...more -
Saint Anthony Park Area Seniors
Covid Programming: Our programming changed dramatically as a result of COVID-19. We moved many activities online and cancelled others. We have begu...more -
Covid Programming: Semcac was able to offer additional program services, such as the COVID Housing Assistance Program, during the height of COVID due...more -
Senior Community Services
Covid Programming: We incorporated technology more....more -
Solid Ground
Covid Programming: Virtual classes Loaner laptops and hotspots for participants onsite Mobile Food Market Hybrid work environment...more -
Southside Family Nurturing Center (review in progress)
Covid Programming: In March 2020, SSFNC temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Within three days of closing our doors for face-to-face serv...more -
St. Cloud Municipal Band
Covid Programming: We changed our rehearsals and performances during Covid but we slowly returned to the "normal" rehearsals and events, observing pu...more -
Tasks Unlimited
Covid Programming: We have increased availability of telehealth appointments in our mental health services....more -
Three Rivers Park District Foundation
Covid Programming: Yes, COVID-19 caused programming to be reduced, especially during 2020 and into 2021....more -
Vail Communities
Covid Programming: We have permanently incorporated remote as well as in-person services into our programs...more -
The Village Family Service Center
Covid Programming: We continue to offer more services remotely than prior to COVID. We have adapted as needed to support this in various areas inclu...more -
White Bear Lake Area Historical Society
Covid Programming: Yes, we have increased our virtual and online offerings....more -
Women's Advocates, Inc.
Covid Programming: The COVID-19 pandemic led Women’s Advocates and shelters across the Twin Cities to extend our average length of stay for shelter...more -
Covid Programming: WomenVenture now offers online classes and events....more -
Woodbury Options for Women (review in progress)
Covid Programming: Yes we have implemented COVID-19 compliance measures which are documented in our policies and procedures....more