Impact and Programs
In 2019, ChildFund reached 18 million people (including 7 million children) through coordinated, community-based programming with a strategic focus on child protection. ChildFund published its third Impact Report in 2018 (www. and will publish its fourth Impact Report in 2021. The fourth Impact Report shares contributions ChildFund has made in strengthening child protection systems, implementing programs that have yielded positive change for children on core outcomes (safety, health, education, skills), and delivering COVID-19 response activities in 20 countries. Impact highlights for 2019 include: a) identifying, through community-based child protection (CBCP) mapping, child protection harms, risks, and needs in 250 communities that were then used to generate community child protection action plans; b) in Guatemala, a randomized control (RCT) of the Our Kids Health and Smart project showed that educational group sessions and home visits with caregivers significantly enhanced cognitive, language, and fine motor development for children ages 0 to 5; c) in Uganda, after participating in an early childhood learning and development project with a child protection focus, caregiver awareness of child rights significantly increased from 62.9% to 85.8% and caregiver knowledge of mandated child abuse reporting mechanisms significantly increased from 28.7% to 84.6%; and d) a global outcome evaluation of our COVID-19 cash and voucher assistance showed that over 95% of the sampled beneficiaries were satisfied with the food security assistance and that, in Sri Lanka, moderate household hunger, decreased from 20.87% to 9.18% and, in Zambia, severe hunger decreased from 2.72% to .57%.
Current Goals
In FY21 we continue to pursue our three broad programmatic core outcomes: Healthy and secure infants, Educated and confident children, and Skilled and involved youth. During the current strategy period, ending this year, we pursue these outcomes under the strategic direction of deepening our well-being and protection programs for children. For this FY, the programmatic objectives within our global Balanced Score Card (BSC) continue to be: 1) deepening our child protection work to achieve core outcomes for children with a target of increasing by 10% over 2019 values, the % of children or caregivers expressing knowledge of, and intention to use, locally available protection mechanisms; 2) Strengthening our partner portfolio using pre-defined standards and a yearly assessment, with a target of 80% of our partners meeting those standards, and 3) Deepening advocacy for child protection issues with targets of a) 50% of our country offices conducting policy advocacy on child protection issues as part of their Strong Core Program activities, and b) 75% of our country offices conducting COVID19 related advocacy activities in line with our Global Advocacy initiative.
Community or Constituency Served
ChildFund works with children, families, and their neighbors, in 24 countries, to transform struggling communities in places where children can thrive.
Geographic Area Served
ChildFund serves communities in the following areas: Ethiopia, The Gambia, Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, USA, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam.