A Farewell Note from Operations Manager Abby Wright Wellan

Abby's last day at the Council will be Friday, January 14th, 2022

Council partners & friends,

Today’s message is bittersweet. It is with mixed emotions that I share my resignation as Operations Manager at Charities Review Council. My last day will be Friday, January 14th, 2022.

As I reflect on my 9.5 year Council tenure, I’m incredibly thankful. From intern to Operations Manager, it’s been quite the journey!

I started my Council career in 2012 as an unpaid Nonprofit Services Intern. I took the position after graduating from college and while working two other part-time jobs because I knew I wanted to learn more about nonprofits and give back in a big way. I had a feeling an internship at Charities Review Council would be the perfect learning opportunity, and it was!

From 2013-2014, I transitioned from intern, to part-time, and then full-time temporary positions. Then in the spring of 2014, I was hired on permanently as a Program Assistant. In this role, I partnered closely with our nonprofit partners, helping them build and demonstrate their internal strength via the Council’s Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review process. I also had the opportunity to help deliver our Nonprofit Strengthening Projects and workshops. During this time, I worked closely with Jenna Salinas, Lynnea Atlas-Ingebretson, and Marc Hosmer. Jenna, Lynnea, and Marc—thank you for your early investments in me!

In 2015, when the Council’s staffing structure shifted, I moved into the Nonprofit Services & Communications Specialist role and later the Nonprofit Services & Communications Manager role. From 2015-2020, I created and executed the Council’s communications plan, took the lead on planning our FORUM events, and acted as a senior member of our Nonprofit Services Team. I served as our board and committee liaison and had the honor of transitioning our once unpaid internship process into a competitive paid internship program. Talk about a full-circle moment! In these roles, I worked closely with Amy Sinykin and Kris Kewitsch, two individuals who were instrumental in my leadership journey. Amy and Kris, thank you for helping me grow into the leader that I am today. I am better, both personally and professionally, because of your leadership.

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In 2020, I stepped into the Operations Manager position with the goal of strengthening our internal operations while also providing strategic input for the Council’s future. I facilitated our move to a remote workforce and spent most of my days working with “our people,” which included paid interns, staff, independent contractors, vendors, and consultants. My husband said it best when he said, “You don’t work somewhere for 9 years and not have it feel like family.” Of course, I’ll miss the important work of the Council but I’ll miss the Council “people” the most. To everyone who has been a part of my Council journey—interns, staff members, board and committee members, those named and not named—thank you! It’s been a pleasure working alongside you.

Next Steps

2022 marks a strategic planning year for Charities Review Council. With that in mind, we’ve put a pause on hiring until the new plan is created. The new plan will provide clear direction for organizational next steps and hiring timelines. We’ll be sure to keep you in the loop as we move through the process but in the meantime, you can connect with our team using the contact information below:

As for me, I’ll be joining the Center for Economic Inclusion team as the Executive Assistant to the Founder & CEO. The Center is the nation’s first organization exclusively dedicated to advancing economic inclusion across all sectors in a major metropolitan area.

I’m excited about this next chapter and look forward to staying connected with my Council peers. Who knows, maybe I’ll see you at Charities Review Council’s 75th Anniversary Celebration taking place on Thursday, May 12th at the Nicollet Island Pavilion. Hope so!


Abby Wright Wellan

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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