Charities Review Council ensures that along with leading experts, both nonprofits and donors have a strong voice in creating the Accountability Standards®.

The Council is committed to continuously improving and building shared agreement about which standards are important to the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, and which standards lead to true strength and impact. For that reason, in 2013, we piloted a rolling review of the Accountability Standards®, making co-created revisions to help nonprofits and donors move into a new era of governance, financial strength, impact, and partnership. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the creation of the Accountability Standards®, which are reviewed and refreshed by the community every three to four years.
>> Click here to view the current Accountability Standards®.
Interested in joining the Standards Review Committee -OR- providing feedback on the current Accountability Standards®?
Email to get started. We’d love to hear from you!
How the Rolling Review Process works:
Step 1: Staff conducts research and gathers stakeholder input related to the Accountability Standards®, determining which standards require extensive updates.
Step 2: Charities Review Council’s Standards Review Committee will review all feedback and recommend changes to the Accountability Standards® to the Board of Directors for final approval.
Step 3: Approved changes will be communicated to all nonprofits and donors, and necessary updates will be made to the application of the Standard, the Accountability Wizard® software and educational resources.
Step 4: The revised standards will be applied as organizations start a new review or renewal.