Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit [FAQ]

Your frequently asked questions, answered.

Charities Review Council launched a brand-new online tool this spring, The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit. It’s possible you’ve heard of the toolkit, but still have some lingering questions. So, today’s post is all about answering those questions and highlighting ways you can get started on your journey towards a more equitable and inclusive organization.

What is the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit?

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit is an affordable, organization-focused, self-administered assessment for organizations who wish to build a more effective and reflective organization from the inside out. Powered by your organization, this toolkit does not require the use of a consultant to implement.

Why did Charities Review Council create the Toolkit?

From 2013 to 2016, Charities Review Council found that more than 86% of nonprofit organizations served by the Council needed assistance to meet the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Standard, which is included in our set of 25 Accountability Standards®. Organizations shared a need for resources that were affordable and focused on organizational development (versus individual training). The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit was designed to meet nonprofits’ needs and provide resources for completing this work.

What’s the difference between the Accountability Wizard® and the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit? 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit

Both, the Accountability Wizard® and the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit, are online capacity-building tools for organizations. Whereas the Accountability Wizard® is designed specifically for nonprofit organizations, the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit can be used across sectors, for organizations of all shapes and sizes.

The Accountability Wizard® reviews and strengthens key aspects of nonprofit operations including fundraising, financial activity, public disclosure, and governance. Whereas, the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit is related specifically to (you guessed it) strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion practices within your organization.

During the Accountability Wizard® review process, you’re asked to answer questions and upload documents for the Council to review. The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit is structured more like a super-powered survey, where your key stakeholders log in and answer a few questions based on their personal experience with the organization. This process is led in large part by an internal Project Champion, who is assigned by you.

How does the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit work? 

Once you’ve paid the license fee, you’ll gain access to your very own dashboard, branded specifically for you and your organization. We do a lot of the heavy-lifting online, but before you dive in you’ll want to assign a Project Champion to help facilitate the in-person stuff. Along with the actual survey, the Toolkit is equipped with a Project Champion guide, which outlines key implementation steps, sample communications templates, and more! Using the guide, begin the process by selecting your key stakeholders. Stakeholders could include board, staff, consultants, volunteers, partners/collaborators, donors, funders, and clients.

Once you’ve selected your stakeholders, you’re ready to distribute the survey. Sending the survey is super easy. Simply enter the stakeholder email addresses, and hit send! Rest assured, information is fully protected using HIPAA compliant encryption from survey start to finish.

Once you’ve received more than 12 completed surveys, the Toolkit will generate a customized report of results tailored to your organization. Review, reflect, and discuss the organization’s results, setting action-oriented goals that focus on people, process, and power (you’ll learn more about this in the Toolkit!).

How much does the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Toolkit cost?

Having launched just this year, we’re offering an introductory rate of $500 for those early adopters. This fee will increase in 2018 as more features are added. Those who purchase the toolkit this year will still have access to the additional tools and resources being added in 2018.

How do I get started?

Great question! Take the next step on your journey towards a more equitable and inclusive organization.

Click here to get started!


Questions? Contact toolkit@smartgivers.org.


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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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