Impact and Programs
In 2020, Wayside provided services to 757 women and 324 children with outstanding results. Of clients served in 2020, 62.2% successfully completed treatment which is above the state average in Minnesota. At 6 months post-discharge, 91% of families were in stable housing, 95% were receiving mental health services, and 79% were maintaining sobriety. Last year, 21 women entered treatment pregnant and 14 babies were delivered while in our care. 100% of babies born to women receiving services at Wayside were born toxin-free. 88 children were reunified with their mothers within 6 months of completing treatment.
Current Goals
Wayside Recovery Center's vision is that all women, children, and families achieve healing and hope for their future free from the effects of addiction and trauma. Our care experience is guided by the client voice, the cultural preferences of all involved, the needs of the entire family system, and our commitment to long-term relational support. Our staff is focused on strategies that reduce disparities, address historical sources of abuse, consider social determinants of health, and interrupt the generational transmission of risk for substance use and trauma in future populations. Wayside believes that women can and do experience fulfilling lives even having struggled with trauma, addiction, and mental health issues. Our strategic goals include: 1) women will regain sobriety and achieve optimum mental health and well-being; 2) women, children and families will have the supports needed to strengthen and rebuild their family structure; 3) children will receive the developmental and mental health services necessary to recover from Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) due to parental substance use; and 4) Wayside will provide education and prevention to strengthen the Behavioral Health Field and support clients, children, and families in the recovery community.
Community or Constituency Served
Wayside provides gender-specific services for women with co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health diagnoses and their children and families. On average, more than 95% of clients have experienced homelessness, are Medicaid eligible, and come from intergenerational poverty and oppression. We specialize in providing care for women who are pregnant, postpartum, and parenting. Women who identify as Indigenous or African American represent the two largest cultural communities that access services at Wayside.
Geographic Area Served
Wayside Recovery Center primarily serves the Twin Cities seven-county metro area, with women accessing our services from throughout the state of Minnesota and tribal regions that share its geography. Our treatment facilities are located in Minneapolis, Saint Paul, and St. Louis Park, MN.