Impact and Programs
In 2021-2022, United Way of Hastings (UWH) continued to mobilize resources to support those in crisis as a result of the pandemic and supported the community throughout the year via initiatives and partnerships. Donor dollars ensured UWH helped Hastings by:
Supplying over 6,000 weekend meal packs for students through our Food4Kids initiative to each ISD#200 building from early education to high school.
Presenting a week-long webinar series on mental health in February 2021. Videos of each webinar are available on our YouTube channel.
With 3 collaboration partners, hosting a community-wide opioid and fentanyl poisoning awareness event in August 2021. And holding 3 community-wide educational sessions on opioid and fentanyl poisoning awareness in April/May 2022.
Supporting Hastings High School students in getting caught up, passing classes, and graduating through our Communities In Schools (CIS) counselor, even with the varying school schedules throughout the year.
Funding over 10 community organizations through our allocations process to help children, teens, single parents, families, and seniors.
Teaching almost 1,000 students how to build healthy webs of support and providing leadership development opportunities for a team of high school students.
Reviewing nearly 30 high school senior scholarship applications and awarded the UWH LIVE UNITED scholarship for a student pursuing higher education.
Current Goals
Increase success of fundraising by using typical methods, and in addition, hold a past board member donor event, develop a video with community leaders explaining mission of UWH; update vision plan with current directions and strategies; continue building awareness of opioid & fentanyl poisoning, reducing the stigma, and providing resources.
Community or Constituency Served
Individuals living within Independent School District (ISD) #200 including Hastings, Hampton, Miesville, New Trier, Vermillion, Welch; this includes portions of Dakota County, Goodhue County, Washington County.
Geographic Area Served
Minnesota - Southeast Metro