
Mission Statement

To assist individuals to age well and develop the capacity of communities to care for an aging population.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments Our staff, volunteers and partners demonstrated creativity and dedication as we worked together to help people thrive as they age. 2023 marked the final year of Trellis’ 2020-2023 strategic plan, which included the ambitious goal to improve the lives of one million people. We are proud to share that we have supported more than 1.5 million people since 2020. We awarded $13.2 million to community organizations in the seven-county metro area serving older adults and their care partners. Through the Senior LinkAge Line, a free, statewide service of the Minnesota Board on Aging in partnership with Minnesota’s area agencies on aging, staff provided information and assistance to 32,525 callers. 5,393 people participated in our Juniper social care network by attending health promotion classes. Outreach staff provided 184 presentations about Medicare, fraud and scams and other topics. Our Pension and Retirement Rights program recovered $812,667 through 144 client matters. 1,059 people attended Remember Project events, providing education and conversation about dementia.
Current Goals Programmatic goals include: Supporting the independence of approximately 30,000 older adults and family caregivers through funding of in-home services; providing information and assistance on the Senior LinkAge Line to approximately 30,000 callers; offering health and wellness interventions and social supports to 5,000 people through the Juniper community care hub; engaging 3,000 individuals in dementia education and advocacy; and supporting 20 organizations with technical assistance as they apply for grant funding to serve older adults. Additional strategic goals include launching a care coordination pilot program, evaluating our financial support of historically underserved and under-resourced communities, supporting older adults through pension and retirement rights services, and advocating for the issues that affect older adults.
Community or Constituency Served We primarily support older adults and their care partners, but we serve people of all ages.
Geographic Area Served The majority of our services and programs serve people and communities in the seven-county metropolitan area, including: Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, Carver, Dakota, Washington and Anoka counties. Some of our programming has statewide reach, such as our Juniper network ( Our pension and retirement rights program is able to serve people in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska.

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
Older Americans Act Administration:
Information and Assistance:
Juniper Health Programming:
ElderCare Development Program:
Pension and Retirement Rights:
Dementia Friendly Initiatives:
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 04/04/2024

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


1265 Grey Fox Rd.
Arden Hills, MN 55112
Phone: 651-641-8612

General Information

Alternative Name: Trellis, Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging (MAAA), Juniper, Innovations for Aging
EIN: 41-1774247
Principal Staff: Dawn Simonson
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): 103
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: 75,000
Ruling Year: 1994


Board Chair: Vanne Owens Hayes
Number of Board Members: 18
Board Meetings with Quorum: 10
Average Member Attendance: 13.2

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

Let’s Connect

2550 University Avenue W, Ste 200 N
St. Paul, MN 55114
Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail:

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