The Bridge for Youth

Mission Statement

The Bridge for Youth centers youth voice, justice, and equity in all we do, and empowers youth experiencing homelessness through safe shelter, basic needs, and healthy relationships.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments The Bridge is a critical resource for youth and families, available 24/7/365, directly accessible with or without a referral. The Bridge is the largest emergency shelter for youth (ages 10-17) in Hennepin County, the only emergency shelter in Minnesota for pregnant/parenting youth and their children, and the only site-based transitional living program in Hennepin County specifically for pregnant/parenting youth and their children. Comprehensive programming at The Bridge empowers youth to set individual goals to stabilize current crises and supports family reunification when safe and possible. In FY22, 11,430 youth engaged in programs at The Bridge. Amongst these youth, 98% received housing stability support through outreach, prevention, and intervention services, while 2% participated in shelter/housing programs. Of the 281 youth in shelter/housing programs, 70% exited to a safe living situation, 99% had a personalized case plan, 78% were in school and/or working, 87% reported at least one supportive adult to whom they could turn to for support, and 97% of parenting youth participated in parenting and healthcare education.
Current Goals The Bridge for Youth is a critical resource for youth experiencing homelessness, available 24/7/365, accessible with or without a referral. The Bridge is the largest emergency shelter for youth in Hennepin County, the only emergency shelter in Minnesota for pregnant/parenting youth and their children, and the only site-based transitional living program in Hennepin County specifically for pregnant/parenting youth. Comprehensive programming empowers youth to set individual goals to stabilize current crises and supports family reunification when safe and possible, including: FY24 Program Goals 7,000 youth experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness will be engaged with Outreach & Support Services program to address immediate needs related to housing stability, safety, and health and wellness. The Bridge for Youth will provide emergency and transitional housing to 305 youth. 74% of youth will exit to emergency shelter to safe and stable housing. 55% of youth will be successfully reunited with family because it’s safe and/or possible. 85% of youth report having a positive relationship with a caring adult. 80% of youth will be engaged in holistic health and wellness services, including direct care and referrals. (including internal/ external healthcare/mental healthcare providers/ resources for dental care/ and connecting youth to supportive services i.e. benefits) 80% of the youth with age groups between 10-17 years in emergency shelter program will attend school 54% of the youth with age groups between 16-21 years in transitional living program will be successfully employed by the program exit 80 % of pregnant and parenting youth will be engaged in parenting education 95% youth will make progress toward personal goals
Community or Constituency Served Runaway and homeless youth (including youth in crisis, eg. at risk of running or violence, pregnant/parenting teens, parents/youth in conflict, sexually-exploited youth) and their families.
Geographic Area Served Twin Cities, 9 County Metro, and Greater Minnesota.

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
Emergency Shelter, Housing, Outreach:
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 08/29/2023

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


1111 W 22nd St
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405
Phone: 6122306601

General Information

Alternative Name: The Bridge
EIN: 41-0983062
Principal Staff: Lisa Mears
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): 40
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: 11,430
Ruling Year: 1974


Board Chair: Geoffrey Jones
Number of Board Members: 13
Board Meetings with Quorum: 6
Average Member Attendance: 10.5

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