Impact and Programs
The Arc Minnesota program model remains consistent through the provision of its core programs and services: information and assistance, individual advocacy, and training and support (workshops, forums, etc.). The Arc Minnesota continues to innovate these core services to make them as accessible and effective as possible for individuals and families. The agency also continues to dedicate resources to track and provide input into major systemic changes impacting children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Information acquired is used for internal training, to develop new resources for individuals and families, and to establish system advocacy priorities. In 2018, we reached a total of 16,000 individuals with I/DD, family members, professionals and other community’s members through all of our supports.
In the past year, The Arc Minnesota has placed significant emphasis on expanding access to people with disabilities and their families across Minnesota. This was accomplished by creating a new website with a fully developed learning center. In addition, The Arc Minnesota implemented a new database system to support outreach and ongoing support. The growing number of website visitors and online requests for information and assistance has demonstrated a need not only for one-to-one assistance, but also for a more proactive approach that reaches more families throughout the state.
Additionally, The Arc Minnesota continues to expand and deepen relationships with organizations to bridge its work with families living in poverty and from culturally diverse communities. The Arc works with the Somali Disability Resource Network, Ramsey and Hennepin counties, PACER, Independent Special Education Services, Somali Psychological Association, Department of Human Services, Department of Health, Minneapolis Public Schools, St. Paul Public Schools, and Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota to provide trainings to Somali parents. Its work with Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) has resulted in new parent caregiver groups supporting Hmong and Somali families. The Arc continues to engage with Hmong Helping Hands, Hmong American Mutual Assistance Association, Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES), and Latino Health Network to support families from the Hmong and Latino communities.
Ask an Advocate: Parents, family members, self-advocates and professionals can contact The Arc Minnesota via phone, web, and email to ask questions and gain information. The organization also offers more intensive individual advocacy, conflict resolution, and crisis navigation services to help children and adults with disabilities and their family members’ access services, navigate complex systems, pursue their rights, and develop strategies for lifelong success. In 2018, individuals with disabilities were supported with information, personal assistance, and mentoring on issues including access to benefits, support for education, employment, health care, housing, independence, planning, self-advocacy, and healthy relationships.
Community Events: The Arc Minnesota organizes workshops, forums, and networking groups; presents at partner events; and distributes information at resource fairs.
Topics covered through Ask an Advocate and Community Events include (but are not limited to): abuse prevention, housing, healthcare access, guardianship, employment, education, and access to government benefits.
Planning Services: The Arc Minnesota has many different planning options with a person-centered approach, in which individuals are met with respect and have a valued role in their community. Services include FutureLife Options™ (which creates a comprehensive plan for the future of a person with a disability) and the Transition Vision Program (which plans for employment, home, and community life after graduation).
Community Engagement: Includes public policy advocacy; employer engagement; training and presentations; and self-advocacy. The Arc offers training and support to help adults with disabilities speak up for themselves about the issues that matter to them.
Current Goals
The Arc Minnesota has identified benchmarks and indicators to track progress toward the six goals set out in its strategic plan, and has established program work plans accordingly. The agency also uses follow-up surveys to ensure exceptional quality in all its programs. Its goals for program evaluation results include:
At least 90% of the individuals with I/DD, parents, guardians and family members served through individual advocacy, networking groups, and educational forums who respond to evaluations will indicate increased knowledge, caregiving skills, or support networks.
At least 80% of the individuals with I/DD, parents, guardians and family members served through individual advocacy, networking groups, and educationa forums who respond to evaluations will indicate they are better able to understand and access services to meet the needs of their loved one and/or make choices and decisions on behalf of their loved one.
At least 85% of the parents with children served by sibling programs who respond to evaluations will indicate their child demonstrated a better understanding of their brother or sister's disability and strategies to cope with day-to-day challenges.
Total number of people served (includes information and assistance and advocacy) - goal 11,000
% of people served from communities of color - goal 12%
Number of people supported through person centered planning services - goal 200
Number of individuals assisted in enrolling in health care programs - goal 70
Number of community engagement activities(this includes focus groups, public policy engagement, etc.) - goal 1900 people supported
Community or Constituency Served
The Arc Minnesota serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families with information, assistance, education and training. Disabilities may include autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, fragile X and other disabilities.
Geographic Area Served
The Arc Minnesota serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Minnesota.