Impact and Programs
In 2020, despite pandemic-related decreases in the number of children served in several service areas, we reached more children through Children’s Mental Health Services, the Parent-Child Program, and the Early Childhood Nutrition Program. The total number of children and families served through our centers and telehealth rose from 4,206 in 2019 to 4,302 in 2020.
St. David’s Center is dedicated to growing the workforce of skilled clinicians in the areas of infant and early childhood mental health as well as autism treatment. The percent of our clinical workforce trained in at least one evidence-based practice grew from 32% in 2016 (48 therapists) to 76% (115 therapists) in 2020.
Current Goals
The programmatic goals for St. David's Center center around increasing access to early intervention, particularly for underserved communities: 1) expand access to early childhood and children's mental health services through both in-home models and partnerships with school districts and childcare centers; 2) deepen current school district partnerships in order to meet mental health needs in more elementary school sites; 3) expand access to school-age autism day treatment; 4) pilot and build a plan to scale care management for children with complex developmental and behavioral health needs; and 5) develop early identification and initial intervention models that address the need for acute response to significant emerging children's mental health needs.
Community or Constituency Served
Children ages 0 through adolescence, families, and adults with special needs in the Twin Cities metro community
Geographic Area Served
Twin Cities metro community