Simpson Housing Services, Inc.

Mission Statement

Simpson Housing Services' mission is to house, support, and advocate for people experiencing homelessness.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments Last fiscal year (FY22 - ending June 30, 2022) we served 1,884 people – up from 1,764 the previous year. Results by program area include: Emergency Shelter: We have continued to provide a safe space for 70 guests, operating with social distancing measures, ongoing health checks, meal service of three meals daily, and increased cleaning/safety measures. Last year we served 401 shelter guests and moved 38 people into housing. Further, 100% of individuals were provided with shelter and supportive services every day of the year. Supportive Housing: Last year we provided supportive housing and services to 287 families with 676 children, 228 single adults, and 74 youth. While final results will be confirmed over the coming months, we anticipate similar results to FY21 when 88% of families (85% goal) maintained their housing for one year, as well as 85% of single adults (75% goal), and 86% of youth (80% goal). Children and Youth Services: In FY22, we served 371 children and youth (55% of children in Family Housing) with developmental and educational support. We anticipate that overall outcomes will again have been met for each program area. In addition, Simpson manages Adult Shelter Connect (ASC). Selected by Hennepin County, SHS is the operator of ASC, overseeing operations on behalf of the five shelters serving single adults in the county. Individuals contact ASC for shelter placement along with service referrals. In FY21, SHS served 4,703 unique individuals, providing 30,111 shelter bed reservations, along with service referrals to support people’s needs. We anticipate that for the recently completed FY 22, we served comparable numbers of people.
Current Goals Our goals: 1. Short-term: Get people off the streets, out of shelters, and into housing. 2. Mid-term: Ensure housing stability for people in our programs. 3. Long-term: End homelessness in our community. FY 2023 Programmatic Goals: 1. Emergency Shelter. Operate on a 24/7 model of service, providing shelter and supportive services to 70 guests every day of the year. 2. Supportive Housing. SHS provides housing and ongoing supportive services to 300 families with 650 children, 250 single adults, and 50 youth (ages 16-24)
Community or Constituency Served The majority of people we serve are BIPOC (80%), more than one-third are children and youth, and all are living in poverty - with most shelter guests and supportive housing participants experiencing generational poverty and homelessness. The individuals and families we serve face the highest barriers to obtaining housing, completing their education, and obtaining employment that leads to financial security and stability. We help people navigate the systemic policies and practices that perpetuate a lack of access to equal opportunity and affordable housing.
Geographic Area Served Geographically, Simpson Housing Services has operated in Hennepin County since it was founded in 1982. We respectfully acknowledge that we operate on the ancestral land of the Dakota people. All individuals and families are referred to our programs through the Hennepin County Coordinated Entry System which provides placements and service referrals for people experiencing homelessness. While the majority of our programming and services are provided in Hennepin County, we also serve individuals and families in housing sites located in Anoka, Ramsey, and other Twin Cities counties.

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
Family Housing:
Single Services:
Emergency Shelter:
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 09/14/2022

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


160 Glenwood Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55405
Phone: 612-874-8683

General Information

Alternative Name: Simpson Housing Services, Simpson Housing, Simpson, SHS
EIN: 41-1759477
Principal Staff: Steve Horsfield
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): 87
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: 2,000
Ruling Year: 1994


Board Chair: Ivan Ludmer
Number of Board Members: 20
Board Meetings with Quorum: 13
Average Member Attendance: 14.5

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St. Paul, MN 55114
Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail:

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