Impact and Programs
In 2021, Rise served 3,017 people. All Rise programs are person-centered and focused on supporting the people we serve to live their best lives. Rise served 1,304 individuals in Day Training and Habilitation, 863 individuals in Vocational and Supported Employment programs, 138 individuals in community integrated Adult-Day programs, 219 individuals in Housing and Independent Living and 493 individuals in Welfare to Work services. In 2021, supported 441 persons to enter competitive employment. Rise receives high satisfaction responses from the people we serve, stakeholders and business partners, averaging 97% satisfaction.
Current Goals
Rise has recently completed an updated Strategic Plan for 2019/2020. We establish metrics and strategies in five key areas: Quality: We will deliver superior results to the people we serve and stakeholders; People: We will attract and retain exceptional people who embody our mission; Finance: We will assure financial sustainability; Reputation: We will be recognized as an industry leader; and Innovation: We will continuously transform services to surpass evolving needs and expectations of the marketplace. We can provide a copy of our metrics and strategies upon request.
Community or Constituency Served
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities
People with brain injuries
People who are Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing
People with barriers to employment
People with mental illness
People with criminal backgrounds
People experiencing homelessness
Geographic Area Served
Rise serves the Twin Cities Metropolitan area, Western Wisconsin, and Central Minnesota, operating from 25 locations. We also have a statewide MN program for people who are Deaf, DeafBlind, or hard of hearing.