Impact and Programs
More than 3,759 refugees and immigrants served through Project FINE’s educational programs 5,814 hours of Advocacy & Information Referrals were provided to refugees & immigrants
540 hours of continuing education completed by Project FINE staff
5,153 hours of interpreting and translation services provided
1,100 individuals participated in Project FINE’s diversity training
205 people participated in Cultural Arts and Ancestry sessions in Winona or St Charles
Over 5,000 people attended Welcoming Week activities in Winona or St Charles
158 youth from refugee and immigrant families participated in programming
435 hours of in-home tutoring provided to refugee and immigrant families with children aged 0-5
Current Goals
To provide educational programming and services to refugees and immigrants, and host activities that engage the community and build a welcoming environment.
Community or Constituency Served
Refugees, immigrants and receiving community members, as well as community partners.
Geographic Area Served
Winona County and the surrounding area