People Serving People, Inc.

Mission Statement

We exist to see families thrive.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments In 2021, People Serving People continued to offer emergency services, supportive housing services, and family homelessness prevention services to families in Hennepin County experiencing housing insecurity. PSP provided emergency shelter to 984 individuals in 2021, 632 of which were children. We served a total of 103,395 meals to families staying with People Serving People. 373 guests met with our Advocates at least one time, and 168 guests engaged in prevention services. In 2021, we provided a total of $75,900 in direct assistance to prevention families. PSP helped 62 individuals find employment while at shelter. 40 guests attended People Serving People's Financial Fitness classes, and 16 guests opened saving accounts. We also provided 1:1 mental health and chemical dependency counseling for 42 guests. Finally, 86 children were enrolled in our Early Childhood Development program, 76 children were enrolled in our K-5 Education Enrichment program, and 51 children were enrolled in our Center of Excellence Preschool and Learning Center.
Current Goals People Serving People exists to see families thrive. Its long-term goal is to end family homelessness in Hennepin County by preventing families from becoming homeless, efficiently and effectively moving families experiencing homelessness to being housed, and advocate for systemic change. While this long-term goal is always in mind and at the heart of PSP’s strategic plan, it also focuses on the following goals of its ongoing direct services. 1. PSP will provide shelter to Hennepin County families experiencing homelessness so they can remain safe, secure, and healthy 2. PSP will offer robust comprehensive services to families during and after their stays so they can reach their long-term sustainability goals 3. PSP will give children high-quality care and education that focus on their social, emotional, and mental development
Community or Constituency Served People Serving People serves families experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity in Hennepin County.
Geographic Area Served People Serving People serves families in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
Emergency Shelter:
Educational Programs:
Family Support Services Programs:
Other Programs/Services:
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 04/10/2022

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


614 South 3rd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: (612) 332-4500

General Information

Alternative Name: People Serving People, Inc.
EIN: 41-1965067
Principal Staff: Rinal Ray
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): 77
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: 984
Ruling Year: 1982


Board Chair: Stefani Tygar Barnes
Number of Board Members: 15
Board Meetings with Quorum: 7
Average Member Attendance: 5.6

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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2550 University Avenue W, Ste 200 N
St. Paul, MN 55114
Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail:

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