Opportunity Neighborhood

Mission Statement

To support people and strengthen neighborhoods within affordable housing communities, through cooperative partnerships.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments While 2020 has been particularly challenging, we are proud of our youth programming staff’s ability to be flexible and innovative is creating virtual out-of-school time programming for K-5th grade resident youth at Ames Lake Neighborhood. The Courtesy Program is now at Mill City Quarter and The Walkway in Minneapolis. This brings the total number of properties where Courtesy is provided to seven. 80% of youth participating in the after-school literacy program at Ames Lake Neighborhood increased or achieve their grade level reading skills during the 2019-20 school year. The agency continues to earn recognition of quality programming and sound governing practices as demonstrated by receiving: Great Non-Profit’s 2020 Top-Rated Non-Profits designation (http://greatnonprofits.org/org/opportunity-neighborhood), Charities Review Council’s Accountability Standards (http://www.smartgivers.org/Charity/Review/opportunity_neighborhood) and GuideStar’s 2020 Platinum Seal of Transparency (https://www.guidestar.org/profile/41-1923622). Decreased the number of police calls to Garden View Apartments to only 93. That’s an 83% decrease since we began providing Courtesy services at the property in 2000. The average resident turnover at all service sites is 38% compared to the national average of 54% (National Apartment Association, 2014).
Current Goals Opportunity Neighborhood has 3 consistent goals we work to achieve each year at the affordable housing communities we serve. They are: 1. Increasing community safety 2. Increasing housing stability 3. Increasing opportunities for family success
Community or Constituency Served Opportunity Neighborhood serves children and families living in affordable rental housing throughout the Twin Cities metro.
Geographic Area Served Opportunity Neighborhood serves the serve county metropolitan area.

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 11/30/2021

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


1417 10th Street, NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
Phone: 651-636-6360

General Information

Alternative Name: Opportunity Neighborhood Development Corporation, ONDC
EIN: 41-1923622
Principal Staff: Perry Lofquist
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): 4
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: 4,360
Ruling Year: 1999


Board Chair: Tom Schriber
Number of Board Members: 4
Board Meetings with Quorum: 5
Average Member Attendance: 3

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Charities Review Council

Our mission is building donor and nonprofit relationships for strong, vibrant and just communities. We envision healthy communities for all, benefiting from effective and trustworthy nonprofits that are supported by a well-informed public’s generosity.

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2550 University Avenue W, Ste 200 N
St. Paul, MN 55114
Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail: info@smartgivers.org

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