Impact and Programs
In 2023, we have been able to provide in-home services to more than 100 seniors in St. Paul. In addition, we provide monthly health clinics at 4 community locations, art classes for socialization, and lunches for gathering.
Current Goals
2-3 new seniors a month,
10-20 new volunteers,
5-10 new volunteer groups for Spring/Fall clean ups,
quarterly events partnering with community organizations,
adopt-A-Senior program through NextDoor for spring/summer garden help
new office space,
increase number of caregivers we serve,
start hosting blood pressure clinic(s) in Summit-U neighborhood,
increase Summit-U outreach visit,
increase nurse/public health student program participation from colleges.
Community or Constituency Served
Seniors age 62+ living in Union Park and Summit-University District councils, as well as Lex-Ham and Macalester Groveland neighborhoods.
Geographic Area Served
St. Paul Minnesota (55102, 55104, 55105)