Impact and Programs
In FY 2021-2022, Helping Paws continued to change lives. Coming out of the pandemic was hard, but Helping Paws continued to meet with its graduates. We placed a dozen service dogs and continued the training of over 60 dogs getting ready to meet their life-long partner who needs them.
Helping Paws was able to continue to raise much-needed funds, having one of its best fundraising years, thanks to our dedicated donors and supporters.
Current Goals
Helping Paws will continue to grow our breeding program, allowing more dogs to come into training and then into service. We are incredibly fortunate to have hundreds of volunteers dedicated to the Helping Paws mission. We are working on putting together formal stewardship plans targeted at our volunteers to continue their engagement and ensure that they feel appreciated. We hope in further surveys to see a 90% or higher volunteer satisfaction rate. This has not been measured formally in the past.
Community or Constituency Served
People with physical disabilities and veterans and first responders with PTSD
Geographic Area Served
Twin Cities, Greater MN, parts of WI and the Dakotas