Friends of the Ramsey County Libraries

Mission Statement

The mission of the Ramsey County Library is to strengthen, support and advocate for the Ramsey County Library system in order to enrich the lives of Library users, promote literacy and education and to foster community.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments Our mission at the Friends is to strengthen, support and advocate for Ramsey County Library (RCL) in order to enrich the lives of our library users, to promote literacy and education, and to foster community. Since 1979 the Friends has existed to bolster the collections and programs for the Library of Northern Ramsey County and I am happy to say our support for this critical institution remains strong. You may have noticed that 2023 was a different year for the Friends. It was bookended with two successful fundraising events: in April, we hosted an Author Breakfast at the Midland Hills Country Club, featuring William Kent Krueger; and in December the Annual Appeal raised $40,791.50 from 222 donors. Between these events the Friends Board deemed it necessary to suspend official fundraising while we worked with Ramsey County to update the process in which the Friends provide an Annual Grant to the Library. In the fall we reached an agreement with the county, and the Friends maintained its annual commitment to support the Library by donating $40,000 for Library Collections and $90,000 for the quality programs we enjoy. The Friends Semi-Annual Book Sales, library bookstores, and book carts remain a stable source of income for the organization as well an affordable source of gently used books for Library patrons. Friends staff, the Retail Sales Committee, and Friends volunteers helped to raise $79,539 in 2023. In addition to the sales, hundreds of boxes of excess books were donated to organizations such as the Union Depot for their Little Free Library Train and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon which provides books for children of the National Guard.
Current Goals 2024 RCLF GOALS AND OBJECTIVES I. Provide financial and volunteer support for Ramsey County Library (RCL). 1.(a) Work with RCL management, Ramsey County leaders and the County Board of Commissioners to provide an annual grant to RCL. 1.(b) Investigate new collaborations with community partners to provide programming for RCL. 1.(c) Stay in communication with RCL Volunteer Director about upcoming RCL volunteer needs. II. Build expanded, sustainable and varied fundraising sources. 2.(a) Increase unrestricted individual giving by 10%. 2.(b) Expand Sponsorship Opportunities. 2(c) Promote Legacy Society membership. III. Build the Friends Board of Directors and revise the Board committee structure to better suit existing needs. 3.(a) Analyze the current skill set of the Friends Board and areas of expertise needed. · IV. Expand messaging about RCL and the Friends Impact. 4.(a) Create a 2023 Impact Report to share with constituents 4.(b) Report Friends news to the community. · V. Grow our presence in new and fun ways to build a stronger and larger RCL and Friends community. 5.(1) Plan and execute fundraising, educational and community engagement events to support RCL and Ramsey County.
Community or Constituency Served The Ramsey County Library Friends serves all constituents of Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Geographic Area Served The Ramsey County Library Friends serves Ramsey County, Minnesota.

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
Ramsey County Library Annuall Grant:
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 09/17/2023

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


4560 North Victoria Street
Shoreview , MN 55126
Phone: 651.724.6127

General Information

Alternative Name: Friends of Ramsey County Libraries
EIN: 41-1597085
Principal Staff: Mary Worley
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): RCLF employs three part-time employees.
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: It is hard to determine a number of people served but in 2022 over 7,200 volunteers hours were estimated.
Ruling Year: 1992


Board Chair: Valerie Wise
Number of Board Members: 14
Board Meetings with Quorum: 4
Average Member Attendance: 12

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St. Paul, MN 55114
Phone: (651) 224–7030 • E-mail:

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