Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley, Inc.

Mission Statement

Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley strengthens children, families and communities by offering education, resources, and support.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments FRCSCV’s annual 2021unduplicated count of individuals served was 1,137, a 22% increase from 2020. FRCSCV served 104 families enrolled in home visiting with 1,418 visits. Forty-five (45) new families were enrolled in 2021, which is up from previous year (36 families). Twelve of 12 of 45 newly enrolled families (23 %) were prenatal. Parent educators distributed 1,520 books to families enrolled in home visiting. We expanded FRCSCV’s capacity to serve children and families by training and certifying 24 community partners, parent partners and FRCSCV parent educators in the research-informed Parent Café model. In 2021 FRCSCV team members: Met with 461 parents, caregivers, and family members of newborns in hospital Welcome Baby visits—offering resources and answering questions. Facilitated 100+ parent-child group connections in 2021. This included Play & Learn (fall only), Baby & Me, Triple P, ECE FAST, and Parent Cafes. Offered several special events, engaging 77 participants who had not participated in previous programming. One of the special events was a community meal/resource fair for Hispanic Families, which had 24 participants. Conducted two 12-hour sessions for 25 family service providers (social workers, Birth-3, childcare providers, law enforcement, etc.) on the Protective Factors. Collaborated with three County Economic Development Organizations—St. Croix, Pierce and Polk Counties—to share information with the business community on the importance of investing in early childhood. Workforce Development Begins at Birth can be viewed on our website ( Momentum West, a Regional Economic Development organization, honored FRCSCV with its 2021 Regional Collaboration Award.
Current Goals Program Goals for 2022 1. Achieve Home Visiting Capacity of 90 families. 74 Families enrolled as of 12/31/21. 2. Increase prenatal enrollment to 50% (toward goal of 75%). Of 46 families enrolled in 2021, 12 (26%) Prenatal. 3. Expand partnerships and referral base to community and business organizations. 4. Establish plan to expand programming to serve growing community needs. Determine programming and staffing mix to accomplish this and identify suitable funding. 5. Develop and implement Action Plan for Family Resource Center Infrastructure improvement. Includes development of Parent Advisory Council. . Strategic Plan Goals 1. Refine our programs to meet the needs. 2. Build our Brand to fulfill our mission. 3. Develop consistent revenue streams.
Community or Constituency Served Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley serves families with prenatal and preschool children in Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix County, Wisconsin.
Geographic Area Served We serve three Wisconsin Counties: Pierce, Polk, and St. Croix

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
Parent Education & Group Connections:
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 11/21/2022

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


857 Main St.
Baldwin, Wisconsin 54002
Phone: 715-684-4440

General Information

Alternative Name: FRCSCV, Family Resource Center St. Croix Valley
EIN: 39-1943404
Principal Staff: Agnes Ring
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): 12.25
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: 2,000 (estimate)
Ruling Year: 1998


Board Chair: Barry Cain
Number of Board Members: 15
Board Meetings with Quorum: 13
Average Member Attendance: 11.8

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