Face to Face Health and Counseling Service, Inc.

Mission Statement

Face to Face works to advance economic and health equity for youth while providing support, opportunities, and access to resources as they build on their strengths and achieve their aspirations.

Impact and Programs

Accomplishments In FY23, we served 3,239 youth (a 59 percent increase from FY22): 844 youth had 2,298 medical visits, including 93 uninsured youth 72 pregnant youth received wraparound prenatal care 225 youth and community members received health insurance navigation 182 youth and community members were tested for HIV and counseled on prevention 589 youth received individual and group health education 167 youth had 1,963 mental health visits, including 19 uninsured youth 232 youth had 1,313 integrative health visits 1,481 youth had 16,750 visits to SafeZone drop-in day shelter 114 youth assisted with housing (rental assistance, shelter, and transitional housing) 51 youth received education and employment services 55 youth participated in justice alternative programming 970 youth had 5,959 case management interactions
Current Goals 1. Grow and Diversify Revenue: a. Raise an additional 5 million to increase access to opportunities and resources for youth. b. Increase clinic revenue by 10 percent. c. Increase individual donations by 15 percent. d. Identify new revenue streams. 2. Build Capacity: a. Expand available housing units by 150. b. Increase access to mental health services. c. Develop partnerships to provide workforce development services. d. Improve Face to Face work environment (space, technology, infrastructure, and staffing). e. Increased impact through increased staff-to-youth ratios. 3. Cultivate Youth Leadership: a. Support the Youth Leadership Council. b. Increase youth leadership in all areas of the organization. 4. Advance System Change: a. Develop leaders within the organization for advancement. b. Grow capacity to do policy advocacy. c. Improve percent of staff, leadership, and board members who are reflective of youth (e.g., race, ethnicity, LGBTQ+, lived experience, etc.). d. Create a workplace culture that encourages retention, engagement, job satisfaction, staff development, and feedback culture at all levels of the organization. e. Youth work to influence policies and systems that contribute to youth homelessness and economic and health disparities (e.g., criminal justice, employment, gender identity, mental health, emancipation, housing, education, etc.).
Community or Constituency Served We serve young people who face challenges such as housing instability, histories of trauma, lack of preventive health care, mental health concerns, human trafficking, and more. Youth accessing services are among those facing the most inequities on their journey into adulthood. The young people we work with are ages 11-24 with 16% ages 11-17 and 84% ages 18+. Eighty-five percent of youth who access services at Face to Face have an income of 100% or below the Federal Poverty Guideline (1% above 200% FPG and 14% unknown). For gender identity, 58% identify as female; 35% as male; 3% identify as transgender, genderqueer, non-binary, or other; and 4% unknown. Across all program areas, 90% of the youth we work with identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or People of Color (BIPOC), with the majority (59%) identifying as Black/African American. Fifteen percent of youth identify as LGBTQ+, though this number is likely higher than reported as 25% prefer not to specify. Additionally, 15% of youth shared having a disability, 23% reported experience with domestic violence, and 14% disclosed experience with foster care. Seventeen percent of youth have young children of their own. The majority of youth report residing in Ramsey County (56%), with others coming from Hennepin, Dakota, Washington, and Anoka Counties. Most youth have navigated barriers such as systemic racism, homelessness, mental illness, trauma histories, and discrimination.
Geographic Area Served The communities we serve reside in “Areas of Concentrated Poverty,” as deemed by the Ramsey County Community Health Assessment. Face to Face has two primary locations; our Clinic is located in the Payne-Phalen neighborhood on the East Side of St. Paul. Our drop-in day shelter, SafeZone, is located in downtown St. Paul. At intake, youth most often report residing in Ramsey County (56%). We also see youth from other counties, including Hennepin (9%), Dakota (3%), Washington (2%), and Anoka (1%). Twenty-eight percent of youth do not report a county of residence.

Reports & Finances

If you have additional questions regarding a nonprofit's financials, visit their website, or call and ask to review their IRS Form 990, Annual Report, or Audit for a more complete picture of their financial story.
Major Program Expenses
Housing - Homeless Youth Services:
Medical - Medical Care & Health Education:
Mental Health:
3 Year Average Expenses
Program Services
Unrestricted Net Assets
End of Year:
Beginning of Year:

Notes from the Council

Organization Last Reviewed on 10/16/2024

This date is representative of when we completed our initial Accountability Wizard® nonprofit review, and provided the organization with their results. This review is good for three years from the date provided
Return to List of Reviewed Nonprofits


1165 Arcade Street
St. Paul, MN 55106
Phone: 651-772-5555
Website: face2face.org/

General Information

Alternative Name: Face to Face
EIN: 41-0986780
Principal Staff: Hanna Getachew-Kreusser
Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): 65
Volunteer Opportunities: Yes
Number of Clients: 3,239
Ruling Year: 1974


Board Chair: Peter Scott
Number of Board Members: 20
Board Meetings with Quorum: 11
Average Member Attendance: 13.2

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