Impact and Programs
We provided 79 adults and 52 children with 5,790 nights of safe housing and 17,370 meals through our emergency shelter and hotel/motel program. We provided 437 survivors with individual and group support services, safety planning, housing support and educational groups. We assisted 1,939 victims with advocacy and support as they navigated the Criminal Justice System. Nearly 10,000 students participated in in-person and/or virtual classroom violence prevention educational presentations. A total of 90 adults and children affected by interpersonal violence received specialized trauma informed therapy services.
Current Goals
Survivors will have access to and an understanding of how to use civil remedies such as Orders for Protection (OFP) and Harassment Restraining Orders (HRO) to keep themselves safe. Through advocacy and support, crime victims will have access to transformative justice. To assist low-income survivors of Domestic Violence /Sexual Violence /Human Trafficking with connecting and accessing safe, stable, and supportive housing (site based and scattered site), along with optional adjunct services. Low-income survivors of Domestic Violence /Sexual Violence /Human Trafficking (including those with a criminal record) will have increased safety, financial security and assets. To empower youth with the skills, resources, and support to thrive today, tomorrow and into the future. Survivors of interpersonal violence will have the tools and resources necessary to become self-sufficient and achieve long-term safety. To create and sustain a trauma-informed system which breaks down barriers and creates immediate access to safety and services for victims/survivors in their first call for help.
Community or Constituency Served
Adults and children traumatized by unhealthy, destructive relationships based on power and control and victims of general crime
Geographic Area Served
We provide comprehensive services and support for victims of interpersonal violence and general crime and their families in the Minneapolis metropolitan area and the surrounding community. Cornerstone provides safe housing to anyone in imminent danger, regardless of whether or not they live in our target cities and Cornerstone operates a statewide call center for victims of interpersonal violence and general crime.