Mission Statement
Children's Cancer Research Fund is a national organization dedicated to curing childhood cancer by investing in the most effective research, collaborating with the most talented minds, inspiring and educating advocates worldwide to take action, and supporting families.
Impact and Programs
In the past fiscal year, Children's Cancer Research Fund provided $4,520,079.00 for childhood cancer research across the country.
Here are a few of the major focus areas for these research grants: * Developing less toxic treatments for common childhood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma. * Preventing and treating graft-versus-host disease, a common setback. Key parts of our mission are also generating awareness about the need for childhood cancer research, and providing educational resources for researchers. We reach millions of people through our website, social media platfoms, and in-kind advertising to share the stories of kids, families and researchers. We also fund pediatric hematology-oncology and BMT fellowship programs, which helps recruit and retain the brightest minds in the field of pediatric cancer research. Childhood cancer patients and families often have care needs that extend beyond medical treatment. Emotional support and assistance with the needs of everyday life are just a few resources that help support individuals actively battling cancer. A few highlights from our patient and family services program over the past fiscal year: *56 volunteers provided 4,384 hours of service to patients and families at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital. *Through our partnership with Momcology, we provided moms of children affected by cancer in California, Minnesota, and the Washington D.C. area with the chance to participate in three restorative retreats.
Current Goals
The goals of our current fiscal year, July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 are:
1. To achieve total revenue of $14,936,960
2. To grant at least $5,500,000 to childhood cancer research
3. To provide support of at least $274,000 to Patient and Family Services Program
4. Continue to build a national infrastructure and governance
5. To diversify our fundraising programs by investing in digital resources.
6. Explore meaningful corporate, research and advocacy partnerships to make the biggest impact
Community or Constituency Served
Children's Cancer Research Fund serves families and communities affected by childhood cancer, as well as childhood cancer researchers and pediatric oncology doctors around the world.
Geographic Area Served
Children's Cancer Research Fund primarily service the United States, though research findings are disseminated worldwide through Children's Oncology Group and articles published by researchers in scientific and medical journals.