Impact and Programs
In 2023, Child Fund reached 14.8 million people (including 7.9 million children) through coordinated, community-based programming with ChildFund’s new 2030 strategy, Growing Connections, and its strategic focus on early child development (ECD), online safety, and digital delivery of programming. Our global outcome monitoring as well as ongoing impact assessments and individual program evaluations for programs completed in FY23, show that ChildFund continues to yield positive results for children and their family members on core outcomes (health, education, safety, skills). These results include a) global outcome monitoring data showing that globally 94% of children (aged 0-5) engaged in at least one activity with a caregiver, 92% of children and youth (age 6-14) perceived their school as safe, and an 84% vocational training completion rate for youth (aged 15 to 24); b) in India, impact study of a results-based financing nutrition intervention for tuberculosis patients yielded significant weight gain for children and adults; c) in Kenya, a community-based online safety program contributed to a 21% increase (35% to 56%) in youth reporting that they talk to their parents about OSEAC; and d) in Brazil, Honduras, Ethiopia, and Uganda radio delivery of a playful parenting program yielded significant gains, compared to a control group, in caregiver knowledge of the importance of learning through play. Overall, ChildFund’s work contributed to 12 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including SDG 2 (No Hunger), SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions).
Current Goals
In FY23, a new global strategy was developed called Growing Connections that outlined our approach to program and advocacy, places the importance of children and the systems who support them at the center of our work — valuing the connection that children make to people around the world who help them fulfill their potential. Our belief that all children, if provided with healthy and secure environments, can grow up healthy, educated, skilled and safe and fulfill their full potential. Strategic Direction 1 outlines how we will, at great scale, advance programs that appeal to and effectively support children and address persistent and emerging issues in child development. This includes efforts to advance our current delivery model, develop novel delivery methods and enhance our ability to measure our impact with children across all methods.
Community or Constituency Served
ChildFund works with children, families, and their neighbors, in 23 countries, to transform struggling communities in places where children can thrive.
Geographic Area Served
ChildFund serves communities in the following areas: Ethiopia, The Gambia ,Guinea, Kenya, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, United States, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.