Mission Statement
Banyan Community is rooted in the Phillips neighborhood to transform lives by developing youth, strengthening families, and creating community.
Impact and Programs
Banyan Community, working as a Community Development Organization has programs in three areas, youth, family and community. In 2022 we served 152 youth (Kindergarten to College) and 102 families and had 34 block clubs reaching out to 2,000 people. Youth excel and are prepared for the future. Families are stable and able to navigate change and avert crisis. Community is strengthened by relationships that are fostered through leadership and connection.
Current Goals
Banyan Community’s mission is as follows: Banyan Community is rooted in the Phillips Neighborhood to transform lives by developing youth, strengthening families, and creating community. The overall goals of Banyan are to: Provide opportunities for youth to develop leadership skills, engage in positive relationships with peers and adults, and have new experiences; Provide academic support and accountability so that youth can succeed in school and college; Create an environment of support around youth, through the encouragement and investment of the adults in the community.
Community or Constituency Served
We serve residents of the Phillips Community - Youth and families.
Geographic Area Served
The Phillips Neighborhood of South Minneapolis.