Impact and Programs
In FY2021, 180 Degrees served a total of 640 persons:
Brittany's Place provided safe shelter for 140 girls who experienced sex trafficking. Culturally specific programming addressed the needs of 83% BIPOC clients. 85% exited to safe, stable housing.
Hope House, the only shelter for homeless youth in the Twin Cities southwest metro area, provided shelter for 56 youth, ages 14-19. 77% BIPOC clients. 88% exited to a safe destination.
Von Wald Youth Shelter is the only 24-hour shelter for youth in a 20-county region of southeast Minnesota. The program provided shelter to 120 youth ages 10 to 18. 46% BIPOC clients 35% LGBTQIA clients 95% exited to a safe destination.
St. Cloud Youth Shelter is the only 24-hour shelter for youth under 18 in 13 counties across central Minnesota. 55 youth received safe shelter, meals, trauma services, and case management. 49% of clients were BIPOC and 31% LGBTQIA. 78% exited to a safe destination.
11 young adults, ages 18-22, avoided homelessness by residing in 180 Degrees Transitional Living housing programs. 100% identify as BIPOC. 100% exited to a safe destination.
Clifton Place is a first-stop residence providing housing, job placement, and housing connections for men exiting prison. 237 men were housed and participated in programming.
77 clients and their families received Case Management services in the community including emotional support, service connections, food, transportation, and clothing through the ACE and SAFE programs. An additional 30 southeast Minnesota youth were placed in supportive foster care through 180 Degrees’ foster care program.
Current Goals
1) to increase data quality for data entered into our internal database, Power180; 2) to ensure all youth who enter our programs develop safety plans, and 3) to ensure all staff receive baseline level of trauma responsive care training and support. It is our aim to improve outcome measures by achieving these programmatic goals.
Community or Constituency Served
180 Degrees builds on 50+ years of racial equity advocacy to help children and adults break the destructive cycle of trauma created by poverty, racism, homelessness, and sexual exploitation. 75% of our clients are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color (BIPOC) and the majority are at or below federal poverty guidelines.
Geographic Area Served
180 Degrees serves anyone regardless of home address or geography. However the majority of our clients come from the Twin Cities metro area (Ramsey, Hennepin, Washington, Carver, Scott, Dakota, and Anoka) and from Central and Southeastern Minnesota (Benton, Blue Earth, Brown Cass, Chisago, Crow Wing, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Isanti, Kanabec, LeSueur, Martin, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Mower, Nicollet, Olmsted, Pine, Rice, Sherburne, Sibley, Scott, Stearns, Steele, Todd, Wabasha, Waseca, Watonwa, Winona, and Wright counties).