Planned Giving: Let’s Make a Plan!

Kris Kewitsch | Executive Director, Charities Review Council | May 2024

Planned Giving: Let’s Make a Plan!

As the name implies, Planned Giving takes some planning. Charities Review Council recommends talking with a few trusted sources and consulting reputable resources as you begin the process: 

  • Ask your financial advisor and/or estate attorney for their expertise and experience with planned giving. Leave A Legacy Minnesota ( is a useful program to consult if you are not already working with a financial advisor. 
  • Engage your family and close friends as a sounding board if you have trouble formulating the vision of your planned gift. They know you well and what you care about, and can help you refine the legacy you want to create. 
  • Check out the materials available for your favorite nonprofits on planned giving. If they do not have existing materials, reach out to the Development team to begin a conversation. 
  • Tap into organizations like the Minnesota Gift Planning Association that offer webinars and additional resources on planned giving ( 

Want to learn more about Planned Giving? Check out this post that takes an in-depth look at how to maximize benefits for both donors and nonprofits. 

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